Chinese Language School in Foshan
Chinese Language School in Foshan
Why Edward Chinese   Information For Parents

For some parents, sending you child off to China can be a daunting experience. Not only because they will be travelling by themselves, possibly for the first time alone in a foreign country, but also the sheer logistics of getting it all organized. That's where EIC comes in. We'll work with you, and your child, to get everything arranged and set up for their trip to China.
"Our son travelled to China for the first time at age 17 and went through EIC. All aspects of the program were excellent and the communication was also better than expected. His arrival was smooth and his transition into daily life in Foshan were all due to the assistance and advise from EIC. It was like a concierge service for students. They were there when he needed them, but he also had freedom to explore on his own."

We'll walk you through the various options, such as cultures, tourist sites and accommodation types, and give you advice based on the experience you are both looking for. We will asses what you and your child are hoping to achieve from their time in China and recommend a program that should fit your expectations; be it a smaller city immersion program or helping them network in China.

Once they have made it out to China, we are available 24/7 for both you and your child. We are on the ground for the students, and available over the at all times for the parents. If you need to get a hold of them urgently and their phone is out of credit, call us and we will track them down. If you haven't heard from them in a week and are getting nervous, pop us an email. We will remind them to get in touch! We have staff living in the same apartment complexes as the students, great relationships with the homestay families (ie can call them any time of day or night) and are only a few minutes away from the apartment if we need to drop by. Think of us as a one more layer of insurance!

We also offer a further option of a EIC Minder Package just in case you want a little more safety for your child. This is done at no extra cost and discussed with parents and arranged on a case by case basis. Just get in touch and ask us about it. 

We're all friendly and here to help. It is what we do!


Customer Service

Edward International Chinese School

Customer Service: (+86) 0757-82360648
Bai Hua Plaza,10th floor,Room 1011-1012,Chan Cheng District, Foshan