Chinese Language School in Foshan
Chinese Language School in Foshan
Learn Chinese   Business Chinese
It is necessary for those foreigners who work in China to learn Business Chinese, as you can effectively build up good relationships with native colleagues if you master good business Chinese. EIC has been successful in teaching Business Chinese for foreigners who want to study Business Chinese in an effective and flexible way. We have professional teachers who are majored in Business Chinese, from whom you will learn about standard Business Chinese. 
Business Chinese Course is business oriented and is designed to meet the needs of people especially foreigners who are working and doing business in China. We combines standard Mandarin Chinese with industry specific and dialogue in our Business Mandarin Course which helps you easily handle the complexities in your business environment. It is our goal and responsibility to teach our clients to be able to communicate in Business Chinese as well as to acquire a better understanding of Chinese business and culture.

Language skills are invaluable for those who travel internationally or worked overseas. When working with Chinese partners, as a business professional, your goodwill and credibility gains from communicating in Chinese can make the difference between success and failure in the cooperation. China is emerging as one of the great powers of the world, and China’s dramatic economic growth over the past decade has fueled a world-wide demand for learning Mandarin Chinese language. Many companies have a growing need for bilingual employees, which makes many foreigners learn Business Chinese. The language barriers and the lack of knowledge on the Chinese business etiquette and enterprise culture are the common problems which businesses are constantly facing in today’s business industry. Our unique way of teaching in Business Chinese Courses has helped many business professionals to study Business Chinese effectively and lower these language barriers.

The Business Chinese courses include 5 levels: Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Intermediate and Advanced.

  • It is suitable for the EU-China Managers Exchange and Training Programme takers and other learners of business Chinese without any Chinese learning experience.

  • It depicts the business activities of several overseas businessman and reveals the business scenes in real life.

  • It is devoted to the training of the four basic communication skills, namely listening, speaking,reading and writing, in an effort to develop learners' Chinese communicative competence for business in real life.

  • It features a wide range of topics,information and exercises and attaches equal importance to both practice in language structures and business communication.
  • Basic 1
  • Basic 2
  • Basic 3
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


Basic 1 ( Vocabulary 300 )


Lesson Topics Grammer
Lesson 1
basic pronunciation
basic manners
Lesson 2
What's your name?
The basic order of the main elements of a Chinese sentence: Subject + Verb+ Object
3."是"字句 The "是" –sentence
4.特指疑问句 The special question
5.中国人的名字 Chinese names
6.用"吗"的是非疑问句 The yes-or-no question with "吗"
7.结构助词"的"The structural particle "的"
8."有"字句(1) The "有"-sentence(1)
Lesson 3
May I have your surname, please?
3.用"呢"的省略问句 The abbreviated question with "呢"
Lesson 4
Excuse me, are you Manager Wang?
2.句型:"您是+sb.+吗?" The sentence pattern:"您是+sb+吗?"
Lesson 5
Which country are you from?
1.疑问代词"哪"The interrogative pronoun "哪"
2.洲名/国家/城市/地区+"人" Name of a continent/ country/ city / area+"人"
3.副词"都"The adverb "都"
4.第三人称单数"他/她" The third person singular "他/她"
5.是非疑问句的回答形式 The answering pattern to the yes-or-no question
6.指示代词 "那/这" The demonstrative pronoun "那/这"
7.量词 "位" The measure word "位"
8.疑问代词 "谁"The interrogative pronoun "谁"
Lesson 6
Please call me Ming.
1.汉语的称谓 Forms of address in Chinese
3.双宾语动词谓语句 The verbal predicate sentence with double objects
4.语气助词"吧" The modal particle "吧"
5.量词"个"及"数词+量词+名词"结构 The measure word "个" and the structure "Numeral+ Measure word+ Noun"
Lesson 7
Where do you live?
1. 疑问代词"哪儿"The interrogative pronoun "哪儿"
2. 介词 "在"(1) The preposition "在"(1)
Lesson 8
Is Chinese difficult to learn?
1.介词"在"(2)The preposition "在"(2)
2.形容词谓语句 The sentence with an adjectival predicate
4.连词"可是" The conjunction "可是"
5.正反疑问句 The affirmative and negative question
6.代词"每"The pronoun "每"
7.汉语里数字的读法 The pronunciation of numbers in Chinese
8.量词 "节" The measure word "节"
Lesson 9
Where do you work?
1.量词 "家" The measure word "家"
2.动词 "当" The verb "当"
3.礼貌用语"抱歉" A polite expression: "抱歉"
4.礼貌用语"没关系" A polite expression: "没关系"
5.能愿动词 "能" The optative verb "能"
6.带双宾语的动词"告诉" The verb with double objects"告诉"
Lesson 10
Are you busy recently?
1.动词 "忙" The verb "忙"
2."V+ 什么+呢?"
5.时间词作状语 Time words used as adverbials
6.介词"给"The preposition "给"
7.副词"真" The adverb "真" 辨析:"非常"、"很"、"真" Discrimination: "非常"、"很"、"真"
8.语气助词"啊"The modal particle "啊"
Lesson 11
What time is it?
1.疑问代词"几"The interrogative pronoun "几"
2.副词"没" The adverb "没"
4.钟点表示法 Expressions of hours and minutes
5.辨析:"两"和"二"Discrimination: "两"and"二"
6.副词"别" The adverb "别"
7.时间表达法 Expressions of time
Lesson 12
What time do you get up every day
1.方位词"以后" The locality noun "以后"
3.方位词"左右" The locality noun "左右"
5.连词"所以" The conjunction "所以"
6.副词"有时候" The adverb "有时候"
Lesson 13
One day of Karl's
1.方位词"以前" The locality noun "以前"
3.(1)"星期"的表示法 Expressions of the days of a week
4.(2)"年"的表示法 Expressions of the year
5.(3)"月"的表示法 Expressions of the month
6.(4)"日"的表示法 Expressions of the date
7.(5)年、月、日、星期的顺序 The order of the week, month, date and year
Lesson 14
Can I help you?
1.能愿动词"要"The optative verb "要"
2.疑问代词"什么"The interrogative pronoun "什么"
3.能愿动词"想"The optative verb "想"
4.动词 "看" The verb "年"
5.疑问代词"怎么样"The interrogative pronoun "怎么样
7.动词重叠 Reduplication of verbs
8."不 A不B"
9.副词"就" The adverb "就"
10.疑问代词"多少"The interrogative pronoun "多少"
11.人民币的计数 Numeration of RMB
Lesson 15
How much are these apples?
2.疑问代词"怎么"The interrogative pronoun "怎么"
3.名词谓语句 The sentence with a nominal predicate
4.动词 "来" The verb "来"
5.数量词"一点儿"The quantifier "一点儿"
7.动词 "要" The verb "要"
8.副词"还" The adverb "还"
9.副词"一共" The adverb "一共"
Lesson 16
This coat is rather nice?
3."的"字结构The "的"-structure
4.能愿动词"可以"The optative verb "可以"
6.副词"有(一)点儿" The adverb "有(一)点儿"
7.副词"再" The adverb "再"

learn chinese in foshan


Basic 2 ( Vocabulary 300 )


Lesson Topics Grammer
Lesson 1
Is there a supermarket near the school?
1."有"字句(2)The "有"-sentence(2)
2.动词 "在" The verb "在"
3."南边"、"北边"及方位词介绍 "南边"、"北边"and an introduction of locality nouns
4.副词"更" The adverb "更"
5.疑问代词"怎么"(复习)The interrogative pronoun "怎么"(Review)
6.指路的表示法 How to ask for directions
7.副词"就" The adverb "就"
Lesson 2

Where is the cashier?

1.介词"在"(复习)The preposition "在"(Review)
2.副词"不用" The adverb "不用"
3.方位词"下"及单纯方位词 The locality nouns"下"and simple locality nouns
4.动态助词"着"The aspect particle "着"
5.人称代词"自己" The personal pronoun "自己"
6.方位词"旁边"及合成方位词 The locality nouns…旁边…and compound locality nouns
Lesson 3
Is the airport for away from here?

1.动词 "离" The verb "离"
2.副词"大概" The adverb "大概"
3.副词"多" The adverb "多"
4.假设复句:"(如果/要是)……的话,……就……" The hypothetical complex sentence:"(如果/要是)……的话,……就……"
5.副词"差不多" The adverb "差不多"
6.疑问代词作短语作定语 The interrogative pronoun phrase acts as an attribute
7.副词"已经" The adverb "已经"
8.表示新情况的语气助词"了" The modal particle "了"used to indicate a new situation
10.能愿动词"得(děi)"The optative verb "得(děi)"
11.语气助词"呢" The modal particle "呢"
12.动态助词"了"The aspect particle "了"

Lesson 4
They are having a discount these days.
1.动词 "请" The verb "请"
2.语气助词"哇"The modal particle "哇"
4.形容词"火" The adjective "火"
5.双宾语句 A sentence with double objects
Lesson 5

Would you please order you meal

2.可能补语 Complement of possibility
3.副词"还是" The adverb "还是"
8.结果补语 Complement of result
9.语气助词"嘛"The modal particle "嘛"
Lesson 6

Can I have your telephone number

1.能愿动词"可以"The optative verb "可以"
2.复合趋向补语 Compound complement of direction
3.电话号码的读法 The pronunciation of telephone numbers
Lesson 7

Are you free the day after

1.连动词 A sentence with serial verbs
2.副词"正好" The adverb "正好"
3.离合词 Verb-object compound
4.连词"不过" The conjunction "不过"
5.主谓谓语句 A subject-predicate predicate sentence
6.名词"时候"The noun"时候"
7.指示代词"这么"The demonstrative pronoun"这么"
8.习惯用语"那就这么定了"The idiom"那就这么定了"

Lesson 8
What’s up?
2.疑问代词"怎么"The interrogative pronoun "怎么"辨析:"怎么"、"为什么" Discrimination:辨析:"怎么"、"为什么"
3.疑问代词的虚指用法 Usage of indefinite reference of some interrogative pronouns
4.动态助词"过"The aspect particle "过"
6.动词 "随便" The verb "随便"
7.主谓短语作宾语 A subject-predicate predicate phrase acts as an object
8.12星座 12 Zodiac Signs
9.副词"最" The adverb "最"
10.叹词"嗯"The interjection"嗯"
11.能愿动词"应该""会"The optative verb "应该""会"
12.语气助词"的"The modal particle "的"
13.插入语"对了"The parenthesis"对了"
14.习惯用语"那行"The idiom"那行"
15.习惯用语"那就这样"The idiom"那就这样"
Lesson 9

It will be sunny tomorrow

1.动词 "有"+(数)量词"(一)点儿" The verb"有"+quantifier/measure word"(一)点儿"
2.传统节日:中秋节 A traditional festival: The Mid-Autumn Festival
3.俗语"天公作美"The proverb"天公作美"
4.介词"把"及"把"+sb。+V+结果补语 The preposition"把"and"把"+sb。+V+ complement of result
5.形容词"死"The adjective "死"
6.连词"等" The conjunction "等"
7.动词 "完" The verb "完"
Lesson 10

It’s getting colder and colder

1."一"+量词+"比"+"一"+量词 "一"+measure word+"比"+"一"+ measure word
2.动词 "听说" The verb "听说"
3."比"字句 The"比"-sentence
4.比较句:"A+跟/和+B+一样(+Adj/V)" The comparative sentence:"A+跟/和+B+一样(+Adj/V)"
Lesson 11

Four seasons in Beijing

2.中国的长假制度 China's long-holiday system
3.代词"各"The pronoun"各"
4.温度的表达 The expressions of temperature
Lesson 12

What are you going to do this weekend

1.动词兼名词"打算"The verb and noun"打算"
3.情态补语 The modal complement
Lesson 13
When did you begin to play golf
1."您几位"询问人数"您几位" is used to inquire the number of people
2.介词"为"The preposition "为"
3.动量词 The measure words for actions
4.疑问代词"如何"The interrogative pronoun "如何"
5.代词"哪里"表示谦虚 The pronoun"哪里"indicates one's modesty
6.习惯用语"看我的"The idiom"看我的"
7."是……的"句 The"是……的"sentence
9.连词"而且" The conjunction "而且"
10.介词"通过" The conjunction "通过"
11.副词"再(复习)" The adverb "再"(Review)
12.高尔夫球运动常用语 Frequently used golf terms
Lesson 14

Schedule of the field training in Huairou

能愿动词“得(déi)”The optative verb “得(déi)”

learn chinese in foshan


Basic 3 ( Vocabuarly 300 )


Lesson Topics Grammer
Lesson 1
How much is the registration fee?
2.结构助词"得"及程度补语 The structural particle "得"and the complement of degree
Lesson 2
I'll prescribe some medicine for you.
1.动词 "算" The verb "算"
2."把"字句 The "把"sentence
3.名词"刚才"The noun"刚才"辨析:"刚才"、"刚" Discrimination::"刚才"、"刚"
4.副词"差不多(复习)" The adverb "差不多(复习)"
Lesson 3
What's wrong with you?
1.不带"得"的程度补语 The complement of degree without "得"
2.由数量短语构成的名词谓语句 A noun-predicate sentence composed of numeral-classifier compounds
3.动词 "注意" The verb "注意"
Lesson 4
I hope he will get well soon.
1.疑问代词"怎么样"The interrogative pronoun "怎么样" 辨析:"怎么样"、"怎么" Discrimination::"怎么样"、"怎么"
2."被"字句The "被"sentence
3.副词"只是" The adverb "只是"
4.连动句The serial-verb sentence
5.动词 "祝" The verb "祝"
Lesson 5
What kind of apartment do you want to rent?
1.叹词"嘿"The interjection"嘿"
2.副词"一直" The adverb "一直"
3.副词"最好" The adverb "真好"
5.指示代词"有的"The demonstrative pronoun"有的"
6.单音节形容词的重叠 The reduplicate form of a monosyllabic adjective
7.兼语句 The pivotal sentence
8.表示让步关系的复句:"A倒是A,可是B" The compound sentence denoting concession:"A倒是A,可是B"
10.动词 "拜托" The verb "拜托"
Lesson 6
What's the rent for one square meter per day?
3.主谓谓语句(复习)The subject-predicate predicate sentence(Review)
4.用"有没有"的正反疑问句 The affirmative-negative question with "有没有"
5.动词 "过来"(复习) The verb "过来"(Review)
Lesson 7
Alice's office
1.转折复句:"虽然……,但是……"The transitional compound sentence"虽然……,但是……"
2.动态助词"着"及存在句 The aspect particle"着"and the existential sentence
Lesson 8
Can I help you?
2."比"字句(复习)The "比"sentence (Review)
3.无主语兼语句 The pivotal sentence without a subject
4.副词"经常" The adverb "经常"
5.多项壮语的顺序 The sequence of multiple adverbial modifiers
6.副词"顺便" The adverb "顺便"
Lesson 9
I come to the bank to withdraw some money.
2.形容词"巧"The adjective "巧"
4.动词 "爆" The verb "爆"
5.叹词"哦"The interjection"哦"
6.副词"原来" The adverb "原来"
8.指示代词"这么"The demonstrative pronoun"这么"
9.副词"好像" The adverb "好像"
Lesson 10
Payment by installment
1."很"+"有"/表示心理感知的动词 "很"+"有"The verb denoting mental perception
2.程度副词"比较"The degree adverb "比较"
Lesson 11
You can shop online.
1.表示假设关系的复句:"要是……,就……"The compound sentence with "要是……,就……"denoting a suppositional
2.动词+"着"(+"也")+形容词 The structure "V+着(+也)+Adj"
3.语气助词"呀"The modal particle "呀"
4.副词"几乎" The adverb "几乎"
5.副词"才" The adverb "才"
6.用"是不是"的正反疑问句 The affirmative-negative question with "是不是"
7.语气助词"啊"The modal particle "啊"
Lesson 12
Is it the online trading platform for B2B eletronic commerce.
1.B2B (Business to Business)
2.指示代词"这样" The demonstrative pronoun"这样"
Lesson 13
Electronic business saves a lot of time and energy.
2.习惯用语"可不是"The idiom"可不是"
3.叹词"嗬"The interjection"嗬"
4.介词"连"The preposition "连"
5.语气助词"嘛"(复习)The modal particle "嘛"(复习)
Lesson 14
I'll like to reserve a room.
1.征询语及礼貌用语 The inquiring expressions and polite expressions
2.动词 "需要" The verb "需要"
3.动词 "帮助" The verb "帮助"
4.副词"大约" The adverb "大约"
5.动词 "差" The verb "差"
6.敬辞"贵"The term of respect"贵"
7.介词"按"The preposition "按"
8.形容词"紧张"The adjective "紧张"
Lesson 15
What arrangement will you make for him?
1.副词"将" The adverb "将"
2.动词 "希望" The verb "希望"
3.连词"此外" The conjunction "此外"
4.副词"极" The adverb "极"
5.介词"为"The preposition "为"
6.介词"由"The preposition "由"
Lesson 16
Please don't hesitate to tell whenever you need help.
1.副词"尽管" The adverb "尽管"
3.结构助词"地"The structural particle"地"

learn chinese in foshan


Intermediate ( Vocabulary 700 )


Lesson Topics Grammer
Lesson 1
I hope I can visit your factory.
1.句型:"很高兴……"The sentence pattern "很高兴……"
2.动词 "走" The verb "走"
3.形容词谓语句(复习)The sentence with an adjectival predicate(Review)
4.动词 "来" The verb "来"
5.连词"首先" The conjunction "首先"
6.介词"为"(复习)The preposition "为"(复习)
7.人称代词"诸位"The personal pronoun"诸位"
8.助词"的话"(复习)The particle"的话"(Review)
10.动量词"趟"The verbal measure word"趟"
Lesson 2
You have so many products.
1.介词"由"(复习)The preposition "由"(Review)
2.介词"为了"The preposition "为了"
3.无标记被动句 The unmarked passive sentence
4.趋向动词"出来"The directional verb"出来"
5.副词"毕竟" The adverb "毕竟"
6.介词"通过"The preposition "通过"
Lesson 3
Pay attention to the negotiation skills.
1.介词"对"The preposition "对"
2.介词"于"表示处所和来源The preposition "于"indicating location or resource
3.副词"又" The adverb "又"
4."的"字结构(复习)The "的"structure (Review)
5.成语"知己知彼"The idiom"知己知彼"
6.助词"看"The particle "看"
7.副词"一味" The adverb "一味"
8.紧缩复句 The condensed compound sentence
Lesson 4
We accept you offer.
1.习惯用语"恕我直言"The idiom"恕我直言"
2.副词"才"(复习) The adverb "才"(复习)
3.动词 "为"(wéi) The verb "为"(wéi)
4.副词"可" The adverb "可"
5."是……的"句(复习)The "是……的"sentence(Review)
6.动词+可能补语:"比不上"The structure"verb+ complement of possibility 比不上"
辨析:可能补语、情态补语 Discrimination: complement of possibility and modal complement
7.动词 "利于" The verb "利于"
8.插入语"综合来看"The parenthesis "综合来看"
Lesson 5
Now let's talk about the method of payment.
1.副词"实际上" The adverb "实际上"
2.插入语"说实话"The parenthesis "说实话"
3.介词"随着"The preposition "随着"
4.介词"对于"The preposition "对于"
5.名词解释:"付款交单"、"电汇" Explanation of nouns "付款交单"and "电汇"
6.指示代词"等"(复习)The demonstrative pronoun"等"(复习)
Lesson 6
Letter of credit
Lesson 7
We have decided to lodge a claim.
1.介词"于"表示时间The preposition "于"indicating time
2.连词"此外"(复习) The conjunction "此外"(Review)
3.连词"及" The conjunction "及"
4.介词"按照"The preposition "按照"
5.副词"就是" The adverb "就是"
Lesson 8
The headquarter has appointed me to handle the claim.
1.插入语"看起来"The parenthesis "看起来"
2."这样那样"表示虚指 "这样那样"used for non-specific reference
3.叹词"唉"The interjection "唉"
4.形容词"头疼"The adjective "头疼"
Lesson 9
Sales confirmation
2.助词"所"The particle "所"
3.助词"者"The particle "者"
Lesson 10
1.动词 "凭" The verb "凭"
2.介词"根据"The preposition "根据"
Lesson 11
How does a company interview job applicants?
1.习惯用语"别提了"The idiom"别提了"
2.连词"别说" The conjunction "别说"
3.副词"怪不得" The adverb "怪不得"
4.疑问代语表示任指 An interrogative pronoun indicating a general reference
5.表示条件关系的复句:"无论……,都……" The compound sentence indicating conditional relationship "无论……,都……"
6.副词"尽量" The adverb "尽量"
7.副词"刚好" The adverb "刚好"
Lesson 12
Recruitment advertisement
1.动词兼名词"计划" The verb and noun "计划"
2.动词 "到" The verb "到"
Lesson 13
1.连词"并" The conjunction "并"
2.动词 "善于" The verb "善于"
Lesson 14
We will inform you later
Lesson 15
Who do you think is the most suitable?
1.形容词"难得" The adjective "难得"
2.副词"倒是" The adverb "倒是"
3.形容词"可惜" The adjective "可惜"
Lesson 16
Is there a restructuring going on in your company as well?
1.动词 "进行" The verb "进行"
2."连……都.也……"(复习)The structure"连……都.也……"(Review)
3.人称代语作定语不加"的"的情况 A personal pronoun used as an attributive without "的"
4.副词"到底" The adverb "到底"
5.名词解释:"扁平化管理"Explanation of the noun "扁平化管理"
6.介词"向"The preposition "向"
Lesson 17
I like my job very much.
1.动词 "像" The verb "像"
2.语气助词"呀"(复习)The modal particle "呀"(Review)
3.名词解释:"世界500强"Explanation of the noun "世界500强"
4.助词"什么的"The particle "什么的"
5.动词 "吃醋" The verb "吃醋"
Lesson 18
These multinational companies are both globalized and localized
1.后缀"化"The suffix "化"
2.名词解释:"本土化"Explanation of the noun "本土化"
3.介词"当"The preposition "当"
4.动词 "达" The verb "达"
5.连词"总之" The conjunction "总之"
6.趋向动词"起"The directional verb"起"
7.插入语"对了"(复习)The parenthesis "对了"(复习)
Lesson 19
Corporate culture bears upon the survival and development of an enterprise
2.动词 "关系" The verb "关系"
3.习惯用语"炒鱿鱼"The idiom"炒鱿鱼"
6.名词解释:"儒家思想" Explanation of the noun "儒家思想"
7.名词解释:"国学" Explanation of the noun "国学"
8.名词解释:《孙子兵法》 Explanation of the noun 《孙子兵法》

learn chinese in foshan


Advanced ( Vocabuarly 550 )


Lesson Topics Grammer
Lesson 1
What documents are needed when submitting a tender?
1.成语:"一举两得"The idiom"一举两得"
2.后缀"度"The suffix"度"
3.习惯用语"以茶代酒"The idiom"以茶代酒"
Lesson 2
Our company won the bid.
1.介词"由"(复习)The preposition "由"(Review)
2.副词"怪不得"(复习) The adverb "怪不得"(复习)
3.动词 "多亏" The verb "多亏"
4.动词 "没戏" The verb "没戏"
5.动词短语 "做功课" The verbal phrase"做功课"
6."哪儿啊"表示否定"哪儿啊"indicates negation
Lesson 3
We will develop the Shanghai market for your company
1.俗语"万事开头难"The saying"万事开头难"
2.介词"按"(复习)The preposition "按"(复习)
3.名词解释:"发票净售价"Explanation of nouns "发票净售价"
4.习惯用语"这样吧"The idiom "这样吧"
5.代词"每"(复习)The pronoun"每"(复习)
6.表时段的时间词+"一"+动词The noun of time +"一"+verb
7.动词 "令" The verb "令"
Lesson 4
Exclusive agency agreement
1.副词"一旦" The adverb "一旦"
2.连词"除非" The conjunction "除非"
3.副词"凡" The adverb "凡"
Lesson 5
Today let's talk about market research
2.动词 "算"(复习) The verb "算"(复习)
4."首先……,其次……,最后……"(复习) "首先……,其次……,最后……"(Review)
5.并列复句:"既……,也……" Coordinate complex sentence:"既……,也……"
Lesson 6
We will design the questionnaire as soon as possible
1.递进复句:"不仅……,还……" Progressive complex sentence:"不仅……,还……"
Lesson 7
All the stores are having sales promotion.
1.动词 "搞" The verb "搞"
2.动词 "当"(dàng) The verb "当"(dàng)
3.动词 "打折" The verb "打折"
Lesson 8
Your ideas are great.
1.名词解释:"软广告"Explanation of nouns "软广告"
Lesson 9
I've been told that many new areas are opento foreign investment.
1.语气助词"啊"表列举 The modal particle "啊"indicates enumeration
2.名词解释:《外商投资产业指导目录》Explanation of 《外商投资产业指导目录》
3.动词 "看好" The verb "看好"
Lesson 10
There is foreign investment in many places of China now.
1.叹词"哦"(ó)The interjection"哦"(ó)
2.名词解释:《中西部地区外产投资优势产来目录》Explanation of 《中西部地区外产投资优势产来目录》
4.助动词"该"The auxiliary verb "该"
Lesson 11
Let's enter the overseas market first
1.习惯用语"站稳脚跟"The idiom"站稳脚跟"
2.习惯用语"有两下子"The idiom"有两下子"
3.表示递进关系的复句:"不光……,还……" "不光……,还……"used in a complex sentence indicating a progressive relationship
5."多"+动词 "多"+verb
6.习惯用语"走弯路"The idiom"走弯路"
Lesson 12
When in Rome,do as the Romans do
1.连词"要不" The conjunction "要不"
2.疑问代词"哪"表示反问The interrogative pronoun "哪"used in a rhetorical question
3.习惯用语"不敢当"The idiom"不敢当"
4.名词解释:"软件"、"硬件"Explanation of nouns "软价"and "硬件"
5.成语"入乡随俗" The idiom "入乡随俗"
6.形容词"拿手" The adjective "拿手"
7.习惯用语"一言为定"The idiom"一言为定"
Lesson 13
Enterprises must have brand protection awareness.
2.习惯用语"钻空子"The idiom"钻空子"
3.名词解释:"老字号"Explanation of the nouns "老字号"
4.副词"倒是"(复习) The adverb "倒是"(复习)
5.名词解释:《马德里协定》Explanation of the nouns 《马德里协定》
Lesson 14
Being the first one to say "No" to privacy.

1. 动词 “明摆着” The verb “明摆着”
2. “谁知道”表示反问   “谁知道”used n rhetorical questions
3. 习惯用语“不管三七二十一”The idiom“不管三七二十一”
4. 助词“来着”The particle“来着”
5. 习惯用语“谁说不是呢”The idiom“谁说不是呢”
6. “从……做起”

Lesson 15
Encounter anti-dumping is inevitable
1.名词解释:"非市场经济国家"Explanation of the nouns "非市场经济国家"
2.名词解释:"市场经济地位"Explanation of the nouns "市场经济地位"
Lesson 16
Technical trade barriers

1.副词"光" The adverb "光"
2.疑问代词:"什么"表示列举不尽 The interrogative pronoun "什么"indicating enumeration
3.介词"拿"The preposition "拿"

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