Lesson |
Topics |
Grammer |
Lesson 1 |
I hope I can visit your factory. |
1.句型:"很高兴……"The sentence pattern "很高兴……"
2.动词 "走" The verb "走"
3.形容词谓语句(复习)The sentence with an adjectival predicate(Review)
4.动词 "来" The verb "来"
5.连词"首先" The conjunction "首先"
6.介词"为"(复习)The preposition "为"(复习)
7.人称代词"诸位"The personal pronoun"诸位"
8.助词"的话"(复习)The particle"的话"(Review)
10.动量词"趟"The verbal measure word"趟"
Lesson 2 |
You have so many products. |
1.介词"由"(复习)The preposition "由"(Review)
2.介词"为了"The preposition "为了"
3.无标记被动句 The unmarked passive sentence
4.趋向动词"出来"The directional verb"出来"
5.副词"毕竟" The adverb "毕竟"
6.介词"通过"The preposition "通过" |
Lesson 3 |
Pay attention to the negotiation skills. |
1.介词"对"The preposition "对"
2.介词"于"表示处所和来源The preposition "于"indicating location or resource
3.副词"又" The adverb "又"
4."的"字结构(复习)The "的"structure (Review)
5.成语"知己知彼"The idiom"知己知彼"
6.助词"看"The particle "看"
7.副词"一味" The adverb "一味"
8.紧缩复句 The condensed compound sentence |
Lesson 4 |
We accept you offer. |
1.习惯用语"恕我直言"The idiom"恕我直言"
2.副词"才"(复习) The adverb "才"(复习)
3.动词 "为"(wéi) The verb "为"(wéi)
4.副词"可" The adverb "可"
5."是……的"句(复习)The "是……的"sentence(Review)
6.动词+可能补语:"比不上"The structure"verb+ complement of possibility 比不上"
辨析:可能补语、情态补语 Discrimination: complement of possibility and modal complement
7.动词 "利于" The verb "利于"
8.插入语"综合来看"The parenthesis "综合来看"
Lesson 5 |
Now let's talk about the method of payment. |
1.副词"实际上" The adverb "实际上"
2.插入语"说实话"The parenthesis "说实话"
3.介词"随着"The preposition "随着"
4.介词"对于"The preposition "对于"
5.名词解释:"付款交单"、"电汇" Explanation of nouns "付款交单"and "电汇"
6.指示代词"等"(复习)The demonstrative pronoun"等"(复习) |
Lesson 6 |
Letter of credit |
Lesson 7 |
We have decided to lodge a claim. |
1.介词"于"表示时间The preposition "于"indicating time
2.连词"此外"(复习) The conjunction "此外"(Review)
3.连词"及" The conjunction "及"
4.介词"按照"The preposition "按照"
5.副词"就是" The adverb "就是" |
Lesson 8 |
The headquarter has appointed me to handle the claim. |
1.插入语"看起来"The parenthesis "看起来"
2."这样那样"表示虚指 "这样那样"used for non-specific reference
3.叹词"唉"The interjection "唉"
4.形容词"头疼"The adjective "头疼" |
Lesson 9 |
Sales confirmation |
2.助词"所"The particle "所"
3.助词"者"The particle "者" |
Lesson 10 |
Contract |
1.动词 "凭" The verb "凭"
2.介词"根据"The preposition "根据"
Lesson 11 |
How does a company interview job applicants? |
1.习惯用语"别提了"The idiom"别提了"
2.连词"别说" The conjunction "别说"
3.副词"怪不得" The adverb "怪不得"
4.疑问代语表示任指 An interrogative pronoun indicating a general reference
5.表示条件关系的复句:"无论……,都……" The compound sentence indicating conditional relationship "无论……,都……"
6.副词"尽量" The adverb "尽量"
7.副词"刚好" The adverb "刚好" |
Lesson 12 |
Recruitment advertisement |
1.动词兼名词"计划" The verb and noun "计划"
2.动词 "到" The verb "到" |
Lesson 13 |
Resume |
1.连词"并" The conjunction "并"
2.动词 "善于" The verb "善于" |
Lesson 14 |
We will inform you later |
“一方面……,另一方面……’ |
Lesson 15 |
Who do you think is the most suitable? |
1.形容词"难得" The adjective "难得"
2.副词"倒是" The adverb "倒是"
3.形容词"可惜" The adjective "可惜" |
Lesson 16 |
Is there a restructuring going on in your company as well? |
1.动词 "进行" The verb "进行"
2."连……都.也……"(复习)The structure"连……都.也……"(Review)
3.人称代语作定语不加"的"的情况 A personal pronoun used as an attributive without "的"
4.副词"到底" The adverb "到底"
5.名词解释:"扁平化管理"Explanation of the noun "扁平化管理"
6.介词"向"The preposition "向" |
Lesson 17 |
I like my job very much. |
1.动词 "像" The verb "像"
2.语气助词"呀"(复习)The modal particle "呀"(Review)
3.名词解释:"世界500强"Explanation of the noun "世界500强"
4.助词"什么的"The particle "什么的"
5.动词 "吃醋" The verb "吃醋"
Lesson 18 |
These multinational companies are both globalized and localized |
1.后缀"化"The suffix "化"
2.名词解释:"本土化"Explanation of the noun "本土化"
3.介词"当"The preposition "当"
4.动词 "达" The verb "达"
5.连词"总之" The conjunction "总之"
6.趋向动词"起"The directional verb"起"
7.插入语"对了"(复习)The parenthesis "对了"(复习)
Lesson 19 |
Corporate culture bears upon the survival and development of an enterprise |
2.动词 "关系" The verb "关系"
3.习惯用语"炒鱿鱼"The idiom"炒鱿鱼"
6.名词解释:"儒家思想" Explanation of the noun "儒家思想"
7.名词解释:"国学" Explanation of the noun "国学"
8.名词解释:《孙子兵法》 Explanation of the noun 《孙子兵法》